Friday, September 6, 2013

News Notes

Define “Broadcast Journalism” in 1-3 sentences. 
Journalism is the telling of events that are newsworthy.

Broadcasting is showing something on TV, the internet, and radio.
Broadcast Journalism, therefore, is the telling of events that are newsworthy on the TV, the internet, and radio.

List and describe the six criteria of newsworthiness. 

Proximity, Area around you, Burnsville News

2. Timeliness, News is current, Sports Scores and Weather

3.  Unusualness, things that don't happen very often, Huge Hurricane

4. Prominence, famous people, TMZ

5. Significance, impact-wise, Presidential Election

6. Human Interest, Feel-good story, Baby Animal at Zoo

What are the differences between print journalism and broadcast journalism?
1. Print goes into more detail due to it's length

2. Broadcast is more current

3. You have control over what you want to read in Print

How is the Internet impacting broadcast journalism?

You can access the internet at any time, it's instant, it has both Broadcast and Print Journalism on it, and it can be portable.

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